
  • Water production functions were developed for wheat, raya, gam, sunflower, soybean, groundnut and mung bean.
  • Crop growth models CERES-wheat, CERES-rice, PNUTGRO (for groundnut) were validated for local cultivars and are being used in phenology and yield predictions based on current weather.
  • PNUTGRO model (hedge row version) had been found suitable for prediction of sowing time, phenological development, soil moisture status and yield of local varieties of groundnut.
  • CERES wheat model is being used for prediction of yield twice before harvest. this forecast is being passed on to the State Department of Agriculture and ICAR.
  • Crop coefficients were developed for the crops wheat, maize, sunflower, mung and gram.
  • Climatic variations in rainfall, temperatures, radiation, were worked out from historical data. Minimum temperatures have shown consistent rise at Ludhiana. Rainfall is also above normal during the past two decades.
  • Impact of Global warming on agricultural productivity in Punjab was studied in respect of wheat, rice, maize, groundnut, chickpea, rapeseed and mustard crops. A small rise in temperature by 1°C was found to lead to increased evaporation by 5 to 15 per cent and a 0.5°C rise may lead to a 10 per cent decrese in wheat yields.
  • Agromet advisories based on Medium Range Weather Forecast received from NCMRWF and conditions of the regional synoptic situation are being regularly issued every week and disseminated to newspapers,radio and TV.