
General Information

Year of start: 1996 Latitude: 26.44 °N
Longitude: 80.33 °E Altitude: 126 m
Name: Dr. Naushad Khan, Agrometeorologist Location: Dr. Naushad Khan, Agrometeorologist
                AICRP on Agrometeorology, Department of Agronomy,
               C.S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology,
                Kanpur - 208 002,
Phones:  7860786422               
E-mail: knp.aicrpam@gmail.com


    Ganga Yamuna Doab, Rohilkhand and Avadah plain, hot moist semi-arid ESR with deep loamy alluvium-derived soils (sodic phase inclusion), medium to high AWC and LGP 120-150 days.

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