
  • Historical weekly, monthly and annual rainfall data for the period 1901-1995 have been analyzed to identify trends in inter-annual rainfall and inter-monthly and inter-seasonal rainfall relationships.
  • Inter annual variability studied through trends in 5-year running means showed an increasing trend in annual rainfall. However, large differences between the high and low epoch series after 1960 suggested increased variability.
  • 11-year smoothed time series analysis indicated cyclic variations with large amplitude in rabi rainfall, whereas kharif rainfall showed an increasing trend with subdued variations.
  • Smoothed inter-annual variations in rainfall for the kharif season showed that the June rainfall is increasing and less variable whereas September and October rainfall have shown opposing tendencies.  
  • Weekly rainfall probabilities, climatic water balance and water availability periods were worked out for Bijapur.
  • Field trial on Pearlmillet crop for one season showed that low rainfall, high temperature and high evaporation rates during the pre-anthesis period to be influencing yield. Similarly in respect of rabi sorghum crop, an increase in minimum temperature from flagleaf initiation to flowering stage combined with moisture stress appear to be the factors influencing yield. These need to be substantiated with further experiments.