  • Rainfall characterization was carried out for Central and Eastern Vidharbha zones. Weekly, monthly, seasonal rainfall, with probabilities of wet weeks, wet week followed by wet week, wet week followed by dry weeks were computed
  • Analysis on occurrence, frequency and duration of drought periods during monsoon for the Vidharbha region was carried out. Onset of effective monsoon dates in respect of 9 stations was determined
  • Water harvesting potential for the akola region was worked out based on climatogical data for 22 years which showed that surplus water was available in 73 per cent of the seasons studied. An average water surplus of 183mm was available during monsoon season which amounts to 27 per cent of monsoon rainfall.
  • Climatic classification for the Vidarbha was done. For Akola region, crops having duration of 13, 16-17, 24-36 and 26-28 weeks and having water requirements of 260, 363, 500, and 511 mm could be raised at 60, 50, 40 and 30 per cent probability of assured rainfall respectively.
  • Rainfall erosion index for the Vidharbha region was computed, which showed that 92 percent of annual index values were concentrated in the four months with July recording the highest index