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Research Papers
Bal, S.K., Shivaramu, H.S., Vijaya Kumar, P., Lingaraj, H., Sandeep, V.M., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Manikandan, N., Thimmegowda, M.N., Manjunatha, M.H., Malleswari, S.N., Tupe, A., Sudhakar, G., Dakhore, K.K., Subbulakshmi, S., Minhas, P.S., Singh, V.K., and Singh, R. (2023) Re-evaluating soil moisture-based drought criteria for rainfed crops in peninsular India. Frontiers in Environmental Science, (12) 1319912
Bal, S.K., Sattar, A., Nidhi, Chandran, M.A.S., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Manikandan, N., Banerjee, S., Choudhary, J.L., More, V.G., Singh, C.B., Sandhu, S.S. and Singh, V.K. (2023). Critical weather limits for paddy rice under diverse ecosystems of India. Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1226064. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1226064.
Bal, S.K., Pramod, V.P., Sandeep, V.M., Manikandan, N., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Vijayakumar, P. and Singh, V.K. (2023). Identifying appropriate prediction models for estimating hourly temperature over diverse agro-ecological regions of India. Scientific Reports, 13:7789.
Bal, S.K., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Manikandan, N., Ramana Rao, B.V. (2023). Coordinated research on agrometeorology: India perspective. J of Agrometeorology. 25(2): 215-223.
Subba Rao, A.V.M., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Santanu Kumar Bal*, Pramod, V.P., Sandeep, V.M., Manikandan, N., Raju, B.M.K., Prabhakar, M., Adlul Islam, Naresh Kumar, S., Singh V.K. (2022). Evaluating area-specific adaptation strategies for rainfed maize under future climates of India. Science of the Total Environment, 836:155511.(IF: 10.75)
Santanu Kumar Bal, N. Manikandan*, V.M. Sandeep, P. Vijayakumar, M.M. Lunagaria, A.V.M. Subba Rao, V.P. Pramod and V.K. Singh (2022). Criteria based decisions for determining agroclimatic onset of the crop growing season. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 317, 108903. (IF: 6.24).
Bal, S.K., Sandeep, V.M., Vijaya Kumar, P., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Pramod, V.P., Manikandan, N., Srinivasa Rao., Singh, N.P. and Bhaskar, S. (2022). Assessing impact of dry spells on the principal rainfed crops in major dryland regions of India. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 313, 108768.
Bal, S.K., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Sandeep, V.M., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Manikandan, N., Praveen Kumar, R., Pramod, V.P., Attri, S.D., Singh, P., Mohanty, A. and Singh, V.K. (2022). Water demand in maize is projected to decrease under changing climate in India. Sustainability, 14, 1419.
Bal, S.K., Rao, K.V., Chandran, M.A.S., Sasmal, S. and Singh, V.K. (2021) Weather forecast, agriculture contingency plan and agromet–advisory services for climate resilient agriculture. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 66: S1-S14.
Bal, S.K., Dhakar, R., Mishra, A., Vijaya Kumar, P., Sandeep, V.M., Pramod, V.P., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Gill, K.K. and Rajendra Prasad (2021). Developing frost prediction models using multivariate statistical techniques for two diverse locations of Northern India. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 146: 1097-1110. https://doi. org/10.1007/s00704-021-03786-8
Bal, S.K., Wakchaure, G.C., Potekar,S., Choudhury, B.U., Choudhury, R.L. and Sahoo, R.N. (2021). Spectral signature-based water stress characterization and yield prediction of wheat under varied irrigation and plant bio-regulator practices. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 49(6): 1427-1438.
Banerjee, P., Mukherjee, B., Venugopalan, V. K., Nath, R., Chandran, M. A. S., Dessoky, E. S., Ismail, I. A., El-Hallous, E. I., Hossain A. 2021. Thermal response of spring–summer-grown black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) in Indian subtropics. Atmosphere, 12(11):1489.
Chandran, M.A.S., Banerjee, S., Mukherjee, A., Nanda, M.K., Mondal, S. and Kumari, V.V. 2021. Evaluating the impact of projected climate on rice–wheat-groundnut cropping sequence in lower Gangetic plains of India: a study using multiple GCMs, DSSAT model, and long-term sequence analysis. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 145: 1243-1258
Fand, B.B., Nagrare, V.S., Bal, S.K., Naik, V.C.B., Naikwadi, B.V., Mahule, D., Nandini GokteNarkhedkar and Waghmare, V.N. (2021). Degree day-based model predicts pink bollworm phenology across geographical locations of subtropics and semi-arid tropics of India. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 1-18.
Singh, N.P., Anand, B., Singh, S., Srivastava, S.K., Ch. Srinivasa Rao., Rao, K.V. and Bal, S.K. (2021). Synergies and trade-offs for climate resilient agriculture in India: An agro-climatic zone assessment. Climatic Change, 164(1): 1-26. 02969-6
Sinha, N.K., Mohanty, M., Somasundaram, J., Chaudhary, R.S., Patra, H., Hati, K.M., Singh, R.P., Thakur, J.P., Kumar, J., Kumar, D., Rani, A., Singh, A.B., Bal, S. K., Sammi Reddy, K. and Prabhakar, M. (2021) Maize productivity analysis in response to climate change under different nitrogen management strategies. Journal of Agrometeorology, 23(3): 279-285.
Vijaya Kumar, P., Bal, S.K., Dhakar, R., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Sandeep, V.M., Pramod, V.P., Malleswari, S.N., Sudhakar, G., Solanki, N.S., Shivaramu, H.S., Lunagaria, M.M., Dakhore, K.K., Londhe, V.M., Kumari, P., Singh, M., Subbulakshmi, S., Manjunatha, M.S. and Chaudhari, N.J. (2021). Algorithms for Weather Based Management Decisions in Major Rainfed Crops of India: Validation Using Data from Multi-location Field Experiments. Agronomy Journal, 113: 1816-1830.
Fand, B.B., Gaikwad, M.B., Sul, N.T. and Bal, S.K. (2019). Effect of seasonal weather on incidence of stem fly Melanagromyza sojae (Zehnter) in soybean. J. Agrometeorol., 21(4): 520-523.
Manikandan, N., Das, D.K., Mukherjee, J., Sehgal, V.K. and Krishnan, P. (2019). Extreme temperature and rainfall events in National Capital Region of India (New Delhi) in the recent decades and its possible impacts. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 137:1703–1713.
Manikandan, N., Panigrahi, P., Pradhan, S., Rautaray, S.K. and Kar, G. 2020. Evaluating mini pan evaporimeter for on-farm irrigation scheduling. J. Agrometeorol. 22: 243-247.
Rao, G.R., Sarkar, B., Raju, B.M.K., Sathi Reddy, P., Subba Rao, A.V.M. and Jessie Rebecca. (2020). Genotype X year interaction of pod and seed mass and stability of Pongamia pinnata families in a semi-arid region. J. For. Res., 31(4): 1333-1346.
Singh, N.P., Bhawna Anand, Srivastava, S.K., Rao, K.V., Bal, S.K. and Prabhakar, M. (2020). Assessing the impacts of climate change on crop yields in different agro-climatic zones of India. J. Atmos. Sci. Res., 3:4.
Singh, N.P., Singh, S., Anand, B. and Bal, S.K. (2019). Climate vulnerability assessment in semi-arid and arid region of Rajasthan, India: An enquiry into the disadvantaged districts. J. Agrometeorol. 21(2): 197-202.
Sinha, H.K., Manikandan, N., Chaudhary, J.L. and Nag, S. (2020). Extreme rainfall trends over Chhattisgarh state of India. J. Agrometeorol. 22 (2): 215-219.
Srinivasa Rao, M., Rama Rao, C.A., Sreelakshmi, P., Islam Adlul, Subba Rao, A.V.M., Ravindra Chary, G. and Bhaskar, S. (2020). Pest scenario of Spodoptera litura (Fab.) on groundnut under Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) based climate change scenarios. J. Thermal Biol., 94, 102749.
Vijaya Kumar, P., Osman, M. and Mishra, P.K. (2019). Development and application of a new drought severity index for categorizing drought-prone areas: a case study of undivided Andhra Pradesh state, India. Nat. Hazards. 97: 793–812
Bal, S.K., Choudhury, B.U., Sood, A., Mukherjee, J. and Harpreet-Singh. (2018). Geo-spatial analysis for assessment of agro-ecological suitability of alternate crops in Indian Punjab.Indian J. Soil Conserv., 46(3): 283-292
Pramod, V.P., Bapuji Rao, B., Ramakrishna, S.S.V.S., Sandeep, V.M., Patel, N.R., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Rao, V.U.M., Santhibhushan Chowdary, P. and Vijaya Kumar, P. (2018).Projected trends in water requirements of wheat in future climates of India. J. Agrometeorol.,20(2): 110-116.
Raju B.M.K., Rama Rao, C.A., Rao, K.V., Srinivasa Rao, Ch., Samuel, J., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Osman, M., Srinivasa Rao, M., Ravi Kumar, N., Kumar, N., Sumanth Kumar, R., Gopinath,K.A. and Swapna, N. (2018). Assessing unrealized yield potential of maize producing districts in India. Current Sci., 114(9): 1885-1893.
Sandeep, V.M., Rao, V.U.M., Bapuji Rao, B., Bharathi, G., Pramod, V.P., Santhibhushan Chowdary, P., Patel, N.R., Mukesh, P. and Vijaya Kumar, P. (2018). Impact of future climate change on sorghum productivity in India and its adaptation strategies. J. Agrometeorol., 20(2): 89-96.
Singh, N.P., Singh, S., Anand, B. and Bal, S.K. (2019). Climate vulnerability assessment in semi-arid and arid region of Rajasthan, India: An enquiry into the disadvantaged districts. J. Agrometeorol., 21(2): 197-202
Subba Rao, A.V.M., Narasimha Rao, V., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Bal, S.K., Dhakar, R. and Vijaya Kumar, P. (2018). Micro-level extreme weather event analysis for Odisha state, India. J. Agric. Physics., 18(1): 21-30.
Vijaya Kumar, P., Osman, M. and Mishra, P.K. (2019). Development and application of a new drought severity index for categorizing drought-prone areas: a case study of undivided Andhra Pradesh state, India. Nat. Hazards., 97(2): 793–812.
Vijayakumar, P., Subbarao, A.V.M., Sarath Chandran, M.A., Venkatesh, H., Rao, V.U.M. and Srinivasa Rao, Ch. (2017). Micro-level agromet advisory services using block level weather forecast – A new concept based approach. Curr. Sci., 112(2): 227-228.
Sarath Chandran, M.A., Subba Rao, A.V.M., Sandeep, V.M., Pramod, V.P., Pani, P., Rao, V.U.M., Visha Kumari, V. and Srinivasa Rao, Ch. (2016). Indian summer heat wave of 2015: a biometeorological analysis using half hourly automatic weather station data with special reference to Andhra Pradesh. Int. J Biometeorol. 61 (6): 1063-1072.
Amrender Kumar., Singh,K.N., Chattopadhyay,C., Vennila, S. and Rao, V.U.M. (2015).Non-parametric analysis of long-term rainfall and temperature trends in India. J. IndianSoc. Agril. Stat., 69(2): 135-147.
Prasad,J.V.N.S., Srinivasa Rao,Ch., Ravichandra,K., Naga Jyothi, Ch., PrasadBabu,M.B.B., Ravindra Babu,V., Raju,B.M.K., Bapuji Rao, B., Rao,V.U.M.,Venkateswarlu,B., Devasree Naik. and Singh, V.P. (2015). Greenhouse gas fluxes from rainfed sorghum (Sorghum bicolour) and pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) – Interactive effectsof rainfall and temperature. J. Agrometeorol., 17(1): 17-22.
Rama Rao,C. A., Raju,B. M. K., Subba Rao,A. V. M., Rao,K. V., Rao,V. U. M., KausalyaRamachandran., Venkateswarlu,B., Sikka,A. K., Srinivasa Rao,M., Maheswari, M. andSrinivasa Rao, Ch. (2016). A district level assessment of vulnerability of Indianagriculture to climate change. Current Sci., 110(10): 1939-1946.
Rao, V.U.M. and Bapuji Rao, B. (2016). Coping strategies for extreme weather in drylandagriculture. Mausam. 67:5-14.
Sikka,A.K., Bapuji Rao, B. and Rao, V.U.M. (2016). Agricultural disaster managementand contingency planning to meet the challenges of extreme weather events.Mausam.67: 155-168.
Srinivasarao,Ch., Sumanta Kundu., Shanker,A. K., Prakash Naik,R., Vanaja,M.,Venkanna,K., Maruthi Sankar,G.R. and Rao, V.U.M. (2016). Continuous cropping underelevated CO2: Differential effects on C4 and C3 crops, soil properties and carbondynamics in semi-arid alfisols. Agri., Ecosys. and Envir., 218:73-86
Srivatsava, P. K., Maruthi Sankar,G. R., Vijaya Kumar,P., Singh,S.P.,Rani Nallabelli.,Archana Singh and Agarwal, V.K. (2015). Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers onsoil and plant nutrients and yield of pearlmillet and wheat under semi-arid inceptisolsin India. Comm. in Soil Sci. Pl. An., 46(20):150922085046003. DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2015.1089263.
Subba Rao,A. V. M., Shanker,A. K., Rao,V. U. M., Narsimha Rao,V., Singh,A. K., PragyanKumari., Singh,C. B., Verma, P. K., Vijaya Kumar,P., Bapuji Rao,B., Rajkumar Dhakar.,Sarath Chandran,M. A., Naidu,C. V., Chaudhary,J. L., Srinivasa Rao,Ch. andVenkateshwarlu, B. (2015). Predicting irrigated and rainfed rice yield under projectedclimate change scenarios in the eastern region of India. Envir. Mod. & Ass., DOI: 10.1007/s10666-015-9462-6
Vijaya Kumar,P., Rao,V. U. M., Bhavani,O., Dubey,A. P. and Singh, C. B. (2016). Effect of temperature and photothermal quotient on the yield components of wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) in Indo-Gangetic plains of India. Expl. Agric. Volume., 52(1): 14-35.
Vijaya Kumar,P., Rao,V. U. M., Bhavani,O., Dubey,A. P., Singh, C. B. and Venkateswarlu,B. (2015). Sensitive growth stages and temperature thresholds in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) for index based crop insurance in the Indo-Gangetic plains of India. J.Agril. Sci., 154(02): 321-333.
Vijaya Kumar,P., Rao,V. U. M., Bhavani,O., Rajendra Prasad., Singh, R. K. and Venkateswarlu, B. (2015). Climatic change and variability in mid-Himalayan region ofIndia. Mausam. 66(2): 167-180.
Amrender Kumar., Chattopadhyay, C., Singh, K. N., Vennila, S and Rao, V. U. M. (2014). Trend analysis of climatic variables in Pigeoan pea growing regions in India.Mausam, 65(2): 161-170.
Bapuji Rao, B., Santhibhushan Chowdary, P., Sandeep, V. M., Rao, V. U. M and Venkateswarlu, B. (2014). Rising minimum temperature trends over India in recent decades: Implications for agricultural production. Global Planet. Change,177: 1-8.
Bapuji Rao, B., Santhibhushan Chowdary, P., Sandeep, V. M., Pramod, V. P and Rao, V. U. M. (2014). Spatial analysis of the sensitivity of wheat yields to temperature in India. Agr. Forest Meteorol., 200:192-202.
Raju, B. M. K., Rama Rao, C. A., Rao, V. U. M., Srinivasa Rao, M and Maheswari, M. (2014). Effect of climate on productivity of Pigeoan pea and cotton in Andhra Pradesh – A panel data regression. Indian J. Dryland Agric. Res. Dev.,29(1): 6-10.
Vijaya Kumar, P., Rao, V.U.M., Bhavani, O., Dubey, A. P., Singh, C. B and Venkateswarlu, B. (2014). Sensitive growth stages and temperature thresholds in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for index-based crop insurance in the Indo-Gangetic plains of India. J. Agr. Sic., 1-13. DOI: 10.1017/S0021859615000209
Vijaya Kumar, P., Rao, V. U. M., Bhavani, O., Dubey, A. P and Singh, C. B. (2014). Effect of temperature and photothermal quotient on the yield components of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Indo-Gangetic plains of India. Exp. Agri., 1-22. DOI: 10.1017/S0014479714000532.
Janahiraman, V., Babu, R., Solaimalai, A., Jawahar, D and Rao, V. U. M. (2013). Long term weather analysis of Madurai Station of Tamil Nadu. In: Proc. of National Symposium on “Climate change and Indian Agriculture: Slicing Down the Uncertainties” held at CRIDA, Hyderabad, January 22 & 23, 2013. P: 27.
Patel, G. G., Patel, H. R., Pandey, V., Yadav, S. B and Rao, V. U. M. (2013). Weather based forewarning models for mustard aphid under middle Gujarat agro climatic condition. In: Proc. of National Symposium on “Climate change and Indian Agriculture: Slicing Down the Uncertainties” held at CRIDA, Hyderabad during 22-23 January 2013, pp 228.
Patel, H. R., Lunagaria, M. M., Karande, B. I., Vyas Pandey., Shah, A. V., Rao, V. U. M and Naresh Kumar. (2013). Impact of projected climate change on groundnut in Gujarat. In: Proc. of National symposium on “Climate change and Indian Agriculture: Slicing Down the Uncertainties” held at CRIDA, Hyderabad during 22-23 January 2013, pp 97.
Rajkumar Dhakar., Sehgal, V. K., Rao, V. U. M., Bapuji Rao, B., Vijaya Kumar, P., Rao, A. V. M. S and Ravi Dupdal. (2013). Impact of drought on spatio-temporal pattern of phenology in Rajasthan. In: Proc. of National Symposium on “ Climate change and Indian Agriculture: Slicing Down the Uncertainties “ held during 22-23 January 2013 at CRIDA, Hyderabad.
Raju, B. M. K., Rama Rao, C. A., Rao, K. V., Rao, A. V. M. S., Venkateswarlu, B., Maruthi Sankar, G. R and Swapna N. (2013). Identifi cation of sources of productivity growth in sorghum – A multivariate clustering approach. In: 67th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, December 18-20, 2013. Department of Farm Engineering, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Raju, B. M. K., Rama Rao, C. A., Rao, K.V., Venkateswarlu, B., Josily Samuel., Ravi Dupdal., Rao, A. V. M. S., Maruthi Sankar, G. R., Md Osman., Ravi Shankar, K., Gopinath, K. A., Srinivasa Rao, M and Swapna, N. (2014). Unreaped yield potential in cotton in India. In: 2nd International Conference on Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences. Agrotechnology 2014. OMICS Group Conferences. February 3-5, 2014. Vol.2, Issue 4. http://dx/ 10.417/2-168/9881.S1.007.
Rama Rao, C. A., Raju, B. M. K., Josily Samuel., Ravi Dupdal., Yella Reddy, D.,Rao, A. V. M. S., Rao, V. U. M and Venkateswarlu, B. (2013). Vulnerability of pigeon pea yields to climate change in India A panel data of regression approach. In: International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Global Perspective. February 20-21, IPE, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad. 5-6.
Rama Rao, C. A., Raju, B. M. K., Rao, A. V. M. S., Rao, K. V., Rao, V. U. M., Kausalya Ramachandran., Venkateswarlu, B and Sikka, A. K. (2014) Assessment of Vulnerability Indian Agriculture to Climate Change. In: National Seminar on “Climate Change – Crop Improvement and Management Strategies for Food Security on 25 March 2014 at Agricultural College, Bapatla.
Rama Rao, C. A., Raju, B. M. K., Josily Samuel., Ravi Dupdal., Yella Reddy, D., Rao, A. V. M. S., Rao, V. U. M and Venkateswarlu, B. (2014). Vulnerability of Pigeonpea yields to climate change in India – A panel data regression approach. In: International Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Global Perspective. Organized by Institute of Public Enterprise, Osmania University Campus, Hyderabad. February 20-21, 2014
Rao, A. V. M. S., Sravani, P., Rao, V. U. M., Bapuji Rao, B., Vijaya Kumar, P and Pani, P. (2013). Impact of climate change on the productivity of rice at Nellore in South-coastal Andhra Pradesh using DSSAT model. In: Proc. of National Symposium on “ Climate change and Indian Agriculture: Slicing Down the Uncertainties” held during 22-23 January 2013 at CRIDA, Hyderabad.
Solaimalai, A., Subbulakshmi, S., Jawahar, D and Rao, V. U. M (2013). Effect of dates of sowing and integrated nutrient management practices on growth, yield attributes and yield of hybrid maize under rainfed vertisol of Tamil Nadu. In: Proc. of National Symposium on “Climate change and Indian Agriculture: Slicing Down the Uncertainties” held at CRIDA, Hyderabad, January 22 & 23, 2013. P: 128-129.
Subbulakshmi, S., Solaimalai, A and Rao, V. U. M. (2013). Response of Bt cotton to different sowing windows and plant spacing under rainfed vertisol conditions. In: Proc. of National Symposium on “Climate change and Indian Agriculture: Slicing Down the Uncertainties” held at CRIDA, Hyderabad, January 22 & 23, 2013. P: 127-128.
Vijaya Kumar, P., Rao, V. U. M., Srikanth, A. and Linitha Nair. (2013). Decision support system for forecasting aphids in mustard crop. In: Proc. of National Symposium on “Climate change and Indian Agriculture: Slicing Down the Uncertainities” held during 22-23 January 2013 at CRIDA, Hyderabad.
Vijaya Kumar, P., Rao, V. U. M., Bhavani, O., Dubey, A. P., Tripathi, P., Sidhu, P. K., Patel, S. R. and Venkateswarlu, B. (2013). Optimizing sowing dates and varieties of wheat through long-term crop and weather analysis. In: Proc. of National Symposium on “Climate change and Indian Agriculture: Slicing Down the Uncertainities” held during 22-23 January 2013 at CRIDA, Hyderabad.
Bapuji Rao, B., Linitha Nair, Rao, V.U.M., Khushu, M.K. and Hussain, R., 2012. Assessing the impacts of increased temperature on mustard (Brassica juncea L.) yields uising real time data from diverse environments. Cruciferae Newsletter. 31: 31-33.
Bapuji Rao, B., Triveni, U., Harisatyanarayana, N., Latha, P., Venugopala Rao, N., and Rao V.U.M., 2012. Influence of weather on fibre yield of mesta (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in North Coastal Zone of Andhra Pradesh, India. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (2012). DOI: 10.1080/03650340.2012.699675.
Bapuji Rao, B., Linitha Nair, Bhavani, B., and Rao, V.U.M., 2012. Weather and scale insect (Melanaspis glomerata) interactions in sugarcane. International Sugar Journal, 114: 668-672.
Bapuji Rao, B., Ramaraj, A.P., Chattopadhyay, C., Prasad, Y.G., and Rao, V.U.M., 2012. Predictive model for mustard aphid infestation for eastern plains of Rajasthan. Journal of Agrometeorology, 14(1): 60-62.
Bapuji Rao, B., Triveni, U., Linitha Nair, Harisatyanarayana, N., Latha P., and Rao, V.U.M., 2012. Assessment of influence of weather parameters on Mesta (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in North-Coastal zone of Andhra Pradesh. Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development, 27(2): 26-30.
B. Bapuji Rao, V.P. Pramod, P. Santibhushan Chowdary and V.U.M. Rao. (2013) Solar radiation estimation from limited meteorological parameters in a semi-arid environment, Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol.15, Spl.Issue-I, PP 63-70.
Bapuji Rao, B., Linitha Nair, Bhavani, B., Venugopala Rao, N and Rao, V.U.M., 2013. Early shoot borer (Chilo infuscatellus Snellen) incidence in sugarcane – Role of weather in a warm sub-humid climate of India. International Sugar Journal, 115: 26-29.
Bapuji Rao, B., Rao, V.U.M., Praveen Kumar, I., Khandagonda, I.R., Pramod, V.P., Sandeep, V.M., and Rajegowda, M.B., 2013. Finger millet production in Southern Karnataka - An agroclimatic analysis. Journal of Agrometeorology, 15(Special Issue - I): 6-12.
Bapuji Rao, B., Sandeep, V.M., Santibhushan Chowdary, P., Pramod, V.P., and Rao, V.U.M., 2013. Reference crop evapotranspiration over India: A comparison of estimates from Open pan with Penman-Monteith method. Journal of Agrometeorology, 15(Special Issue - II) (In press).
B.M.K. Raju., K.V. Rao., B. Venkateswarlu., A.V.M.S. Rao., C.A. Rama Rao., V.U.M. Rao., M. Srinivasa Rao and K. Nagasree. (2013) Change in climate in India during last few decades, Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol.15, Spl.Issue-I, PP 30-36.
C.A. Rama Rao., B.M.K. Raju., A.V.M.S. Rao., V.U.M. Rao., K.V. Rao., Kausalya Ramachandran and B. Venkateswarlu. (2013) Climate change projections - A District-wise analysis for rainfed regions in India, Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol.15, Spl.Issue-I, PP 13-19.
Gouri, V., Bapuji Rao, B., Chitkala Devi, T., Kumari, M.B.G.S., and Ankaiah R., 2013. Thermal requirement of rabi maize in North Coastal Zone of Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Agrometeorology, 15(Special Issue - II) (In press).
Khushu, M.K., Tiku, A.K., Bapuji Rao, B., Rao, V.U.M., Mahender Singh and Charu Sharma. 2012. Transpiration responses to vapor pressure deficit in mustard (Brassica juncea L). Cruciferae Newsletter. 31: 34-36.
Kaushalya Ramachandran., Venkateshwarlu B., Ramarao CA., Rao VUM., Raju BMK., Rao AVMS., Saikia US., Thilagavathi N., Gayatri M., Satish J., 2013. Assessment of Vulnerability of Indian Agriculture to rainfall variability - Use of NOAAAVHRR (8km) & MODIS (250m) Time-Series NDVI Product. Climate Change & Environmental Sustainability 1(1):37-52.
Patel, H.R., M.M. Lunagaria., B.I. Karande., Vyas Pandey., S.B. Yadav., A.V. Shah., V.U.M. Rao and S. Nareshkumar. (2013) Impact of projected climate change on groundnut in Gujarat, Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol.15, Spl.Issue-I, PP 41-44.
Prasad, Y.G., M. Gayathri., M. Prabhakar., P. Jeyakumar., S. Vennila., A.V.M. Subba Rao., I. Bhaskara Rao., K.V. Rao., G. Ramachandra Rao and V.U.M. Rao. (2013) Population dynamics of Spodoptera litura outbreak on soybean vis-a-vis rainfall events, Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol.15, Spl.Issue-I, PP 37-40.
Rao, V.U.M., and Bapuji Rao, B., 2013. Role of agromet advisories in climate risk management. Annals of Agricultural Research New Series, 34(1): 15-25.
Rao, K.V., Bhaskara Rao, I., Rao, V.U.M., Bapuji Rao, B., Prasad, J.V.N.S. and Mallikarjuna Reddy. 2013. Comparison of two weather generators for rainfall simulation: A case study for humid and semi arid environments. Journal of Agrometeorology, 15(Special Issue - II) (In press).
Sri Dhanya., Bapuji Rao, B., Pramod, V.P., and. Rao, V.U.M. 2013. Delineation of air temperature based models for estimation of global solar radiation. Journal of Agrometeorology, 15(Special Issue - II) (In press).
Srinivasa Rao, M., P.C.M. Padmaja., D. Manimanjari., V.U.M. Rao., M. Maheswari., Abdul Khadar., M. Vanaja., K. Srinivas and B. Venkateswarlu. (2013) Response of Aphis craccivora Koch to elevated CO2 on cowpea, Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol.15, Spl.Issue-I, PP 51-56
Bapuji Rao, B. and Bhavani. B. 2010. Climate change - Likely effects on the population dynamics of brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Luecinodes orbonalis Guen.). Indian Journal of Dryland Agriculture Research and Development. 25 (2): 58-62
Bapuji Rao, B., Linitha Nair, Rao, V. U. M., Khushu, M. K. and Hussain, R. 2012. Assessing the impacts of increased temperature on mustard (Brassica juncea L.) yields uising real time data from diverse environments. Cruciferae Newsletter. 31: 31-33.
Bapuji Rao, B., Pramod, V.P. and Rao, V. U. M., 2011. Reliability of downscaling rainfall data in the estimation of rainfall trends: A case study. Journal of Agrometeorology, 14 (Special issue) :162-168.
Bapuji Rao, B., Sandeep, V.M., Rao, V. U. M. and Rao, A.V.M.S. 2011. Climatic change and crop water requirements: An assessment for future climates. Journal of Agrometeorology, 14 (Special issue) :125-129.
Khushu, M.K., Tiku, A.K., Bapuji Rao, B., Rao, V.U.M., Mahender Singh. and Charu Sharma. 2012. Transpiration responses to vapor pressure deficit in mustard (Brassica juncea L.). Cruciferae Newsletter. 31: 34-36
Rao, V. U. M., Linitha Nair, Bapuji Rao, B., and Vijaya Kumar, P. 2011. Climatic sensitivity of mustard crop in northern India: An assessment of yields in future climates from real time data. Journal of Agrometeorology, 14 (Special issue) :10-18.
Rao, V.U.M., Bapuji Rao, B., Linitha Nair, Diwan Singh, Chandersekhar. and Venkateswarlu, B. 2011. Thermal sensitivity of mustard (Brassica juncea L.) crop in Haryana. Journal of Agrometeorology 13 (2): 131-134.
Rao, V.U.M., Bapuji Rao, B., Linitha Nair, Patel, H. R., Rao, A.V.M.S. and Vijaya Kumar, P., 2011. Climatic variability and Productivity of Rainfed Groundnut in Middle Gujarat Agroclimatic Zone. Indian Journal of Dryland Agriculture and Development. 26 (2) : 44-49
Rao, V.U.M., Bapuji Rao, B., Rao, A.V.M.S., Manikandan, N. and Venkateswarlu, B. 2011. Assessment of rainfall trends at micro and macro level in Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Agrometeorology. 13 (2): 80-85
Saikia, U. S., Venkatswarlu, B., Rao, G. G. S. N., Korwar, G. R., Rao, V. U. M., N. N. Srivastava, Mandal, U. K., Goswami, B. and Manoranjan Kumar. 2011. Estimating wheat productivity for north western plain zone of India in relation to spatial-thermal variation. Journal of Agrometeorology. 13 (1): 9-16
Srivastava, N.N., Rao, V.U.M., Saikia, U.S., Vijaya Kumar, P. and Subba Rao, A.V.M., 2011. Modelling diurnal pattern of relative humidity from daily air temperature and relative humidity data of Hyderabad. Journal of Agrometeorology. 13(1): 25-30