Near real-time monitoring agrometeorological conditions for contingency planning in Andhra Pradesh



  1. To take-up a detailed agroclimatic analysis of the rainfed areas of Andhra Pradesh
  2. To monitor agrometeorological conditions for every fortnight
  3. To prepare thematic maps on various agromet elements and disseminate user agencies
Project Investigator  Dr. A.V.R. Keasava Rao, AICRPAM, CRIDA, Hyderabad
Co-PI Centres
  1. ANGRAU, Hyderabad
  2. Commissionerate of Agriculture, Govt. of AP, Hyderabad
  3. Bureau of Economics and Statistics, Govt. of AP, Hyderabad
Project period   Jul 2000 to Dec 2002
Budget   Rs. 58.06 lakhs
  • Monthly rainfall data of 22 districts for 1969-89 collected and computerized
  • District-wise crop area and production of important crops for 1994-99 collected
  • Digitization of Andhra Pradesh map with district boundaries completed
  • Thematic maps for weekly rainfall distribution over Andhra Pradesh are prepared

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