New approaches to IPM in rainfed rice based production systems 




  1. To assist in collection, collation and analysis of weather data for development of pest forecasting equations for inclusion as a component in IPM
  2. To collect detailed data on pest incidence, natural enemy population levels, yield as well as pest forecasting equations for inclusion as a component in IPM
Project Investigator  Dr. I.C. Pasalu, DRR, Hyderabad
Co-PI Centres
  1. AICRPAM, CRIDA, Hyderabad (Dr. Y.S. Ramakrishna)
  2. CRRI, Cuttack
  3. AAU, Titabar
  4. CAU, Imphal
  5. ANGRAU, Warangal
  6. BCKVV, Kalyani
Project period   May 2000 to Dec 2003
Budget   Rs. 16.17 lakhs
  • Daily and weekly pest data and weather data(1990-2000) has been collected
  • Pest forecasting equations for the key pests are being developed
  • Development of a RDBMS for weather-crop-pest data is in progress

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