Integrated National Agricultural Resouces Information System



  1. To design and develop databases on physical and climatic parameters
  2. Generation of physical and climatic databases on agro-ecological sub-region wise
  3. Digitization of various climatic variables using GIS
Project Investigator  Dr. Anil Rai, IASRI, New Delhi
Co-PI Centres
  1. AICRPAM, CRIDA, Hyderabad (Dr. Y.S. Ramakrishna)
  2. IIHR, Bangalore
  3. PDCSR, Modipuram
  4. NBFGR, Lucknow
  5. NRC-AF, Jhansi
  6. IISR, Kozhikode
  7. NBSS&LUP, Nagpur
  8. CPCRI, Kasargod
  9. NBAGR, Karnal
  10. NCAP, New Delhi
  11. DWMR, Patna
  12. NBPGR, New Delhi
  13. CIAE, Bhopal
Project period   Jun 2001 to Dec 2003
Budget   Rs. 55.21 lakhs
  • Requirement analysis workshop conducted
  • Collected weekly probability rainfall of about 1950 stations in India
  • Collected normal monthly climatic data of about 390 stations in India

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